The children will arrive each day by bus and start the afternoon with movement exercises, followed by homework, nutritious snacks and more movement exercises to develop their skills, confidence and build self-esteem. Our intention is help start the process towards movement efficiency and better physical health. Research has shown that without movement efficiency now there will be problems later.

We develop all future sports-specific actions e.g. running, jumping, climbing, landing, throwing, kicking, catching and striking.

Fundamental movement skills are a specific set of skills that involve different body parts such as feet, legs, trunk, head, arms and hands. These skills are the “building blocks” for more complex and specialised skills that kids will need throughout their lives to competently participate in different games, sports and recreational activities.

Parents and Children have expressed the importance of physical environment, the qualifications and competence of the workforce, the programme content, rest, relaxation and play, nutrition, information for children and parents, health and safety, and child autonomy and choice.

Our daily routine and standards will assist parents in understanding what they should expect from us and what constitutes a great Afterschool Club. Our programme and standards reflect what children and parents have said that they need and enjoy, which is a safe and happy environment that in many ways simulates a healthy home environment.


About Us

The PLAY House is privately run After-School with a difference, our main focus is to gets kids moving and exercising After-school through Play, Exercise and Games!


Address: River RoadDublin 15EIRCODE:

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